There is a must read warning trending on social media right now. A victim took to Facebook to warn Nigerians about a security breach ravaging the country right now. Because of the nature of the case, the user’s identity cannot be revealed right now until investigation is completed.
The user posted;
” Dear Nigerians, Please take note, three or four guys may visits your home claiming they are from Water Company, to install shower caps, to save water, or they will claim they are from PHCN to change energy-saving electric bulbs for free as part of President Buhari’s lay down program.
”These group of people have been spotted in so many areas and i am a victim of their evil agenda.
”Their main target i believe are Christians because of the recently concluded Easter celebration.
”Please i urge you all to alert all your contacts, family, friends and colleagues as you may save lives.
”Make sure doors are looked at all times and please warn your children not to open door to strangers.
”You may think that this is a joke but i don’t want you to witness what just happened to me.
”Please forward and share immediately to save lives and properties,” the user concluded.
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